Monday, April 20, 2015

PolyFest 2K15

It was 4.00am on a Friday morning. March 20. We woke up bright and early in the dark mist. It was Polyfest day. My sister was performing in Kelston's Samoan group, she had to be at her school by 5.00. It was held at Manukau. I went with my cousins, brother, sisters and my mum.

We arrived at our destination around 6.30am and found us a park inside. We had to pay $5 for the park, which was pretty cheap I say. My sister is the first to perform. When it was nearly 7.00 a lot more cars started arriving. So my mum said "let's go inside now". I hoped out of the car and felt the cold and breezy wind flow pass me. I shivered.

We payed to get inside and found a spot at the Samoan stage. My sister was about to perform. I got the camera and waited patiently for Kelston Girls to come out. My nerves started appearing and butterfly stared rumbling in my stomach. It was 9.00 and it was time to perform. WOOHOO!
 My presentation is about Anzac.